AeroInsta for Android V23.0.2


Minimum requirements for AeroInsta on Android:

  • Android 9+
  • arm64-v8a

Changelog for AeroInsta V23.0.0:

  • Updated base version of Instagram* to
  • [Added] Option “Do not notify about viewing” in Aero Privileges 》 Privacy.
  • [Added] Option “Hide information about listening to voice messages” in Aero Privileges 》 Privacy.
  • [Added] Option “Do not notify about taken screenshots” in Aero Privileges 》 Privacy.
  • [Added] Copy post caption (any post 》 three dots 》 More options).
  • [Added] Translate post caption (any post 》 three dots 》 More options).
  • [Fixed] When the “Hide typing information” option is enabled, the send button disappears.
  • [Fixed] Always play videos with sound.
  • Improved ad blocking.
  • [Miscellaneous] Added a redirect button for “Enabling scroll feature” in Aero Privileges 》 General.
  • [Miscellaneous] Added a redirect button for “Enabling music and avatar features in notes” in Aero Privileges 》 General.

Changelog for AeroInsta V23.0.1:

  • [Added] Features “Copy direct link,” “Share direct link,” “Copy post caption,” “Translate post caption,” “View media” in the options menu on the Reels screen.
  • [Added] Preview when fast-forwarding videos in Aero Privileges 》 Beta.
  • [Fixed] Some video slider errors.
  • [Miscellaneous] Some features moved to Aero Privileges 》 Beta.
  • [Miscellaneous] Added a redirect button for “Reducing the size of the story cloud” in Aero Privileges 》 General.
  • [Miscellaneous] While the “Hide views in live broadcast mode” feature is active, we believe the text “View” in the upper right corner is sufficient, and we do not see the need to change the text “Joined.” When you see the text “Joined,” please do not think there is a problem. Remember that it’s just text and does not affect the functionality of the “Hide views in live broadcast mode” feature.

Changelog for AeroInsta V23.0.2:

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  • [Added-EXCLUSIVE] Expanded developer options menu for AeroInsta.

To access:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Advanced developer options AeroInsta”.

This new feature is based on cloud technologies. You can easily enable or disable features depending on developer options using the new Advanced Developer Options AeroInsta menu. Additionally, since it is cloud-based, we can update developer option-related features online without the need to update the app. Be sure to check the Advanced Developer Options AeroInsta menu from time to time so you don’t miss anything (since it’s a cloud-based feature, we can update or add new options to the menu. So, please remember to check the menu from time to time).

For example, the ability to rewind videos forward and backward and the ability to move the heart icon to the bottom panel are related to developer options.

  1. If you are currently using the following option:
    AeroInsta Privileges 》 General 》 Heart Icon
    Now you should use this option:
    Advanced Developer Options AeroInsta 》 Developer Options 》 (Category: Home Screen) Place the “heart” icon in the bottom right corner, the “Reels” icon in the bottom center, and the “Share” icon in the top right corner.
    Advanced Developer Options AeroInsta 》 Developer Options 》 (Category: Home Screen) Place the “heart” icon in the bottom right corner, the “Reels” icon in the bottom center.
  2. If you are currently using the following option:
    AeroInsta Privileges 》 Feed 》 Fast-forward videoNow you should use this option:
    Advanced Developer Options AeroInsta 》 Developer Options 》 (Category: Reels) Enable fast-forward video feature for Reels videos
    Advanced Developer Options AeroInsta 》 Developer Options 》 (Category: Reels) Enable fast-forward Reels video feature (with time slider)


Download AeroInsta V23.0.2

You must uninstall the original Instagram* app from your device to install this package.

Download AeroInsta V23.0.2 Clone

You do not need to uninstall the original Instagram* app from your device to install this package. The clone will coexist.

*Meta company and its social networks Instagram and Facebook are recognized as extremist in the territory of Russia.
